10 Things to Do in the Morning to have a Productive Day

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Fall is gently approaching, and it makes me feel an urge to be more productive and organized in my daily life. Even though my sons have outgrown those school years and aren't school-aged any longer, the nostalgic Back to School vibe still surprisingly affects my mind. It makes me feel like summers over and it’s time for a steady morning routine. Without the comforting structure of my morning rituals, I find myself feeling rushed, unproductive, and a tad cranky, like a grumpy cat on a rainy day!

I've tried many morning routines over the years—some were too ambitious, others made me exhausted, and a few just didn't fit my lifestyle. I’ve learned that the key to a good morning routine is picking habits you can stick with.

To help you with this journey, we have some wonderfully easy changes you can implement that won't just improve your morning routine but that you can easily accomplish before you even leave the cozy confines of your bedroom. We hope it also boosts your productivity and elevates your energy levels throughout the entire day!

Let’s break it Down

Start the Night Before

What happened the day before really matters. Your sleep, food, and feelings from the night before can impact your morning emotionally and physically.

  1. Prepare What Your Going to Wear

Before bed, spend time deciding what you will wear the next day and put it aside. Even if you don’t have a traditional job where you leave the home. Some say getting dressed in the morning while working from home can help you feel more productive and motivated. Getting dressed may help you feel more productive because it signals to you that you're in work mode,

2. Time to Turn Down

.As a child, I hated bedtime. I didn’t get why I had to sleep at a specific time, especially if I wasn’t tired. But as an adult I realize going to bed at the same time each night can boost your sleep quality and make you feel more energized in the morning. A regular sleep schedule helps your mental and physical health, improves your performance, and makes it easier to handle daily stress.

3. State of Mind

I find that prayer helps me sleep because it helps calm my mind and bodie. Prayer can also help reduce stress, which can contribute to better sleep. Better sleep equals rest. Getting a good night's sleep can help you wake up feeling energized and ready for your morning routine.

4. Shut Down Shop

Most experts suggest eating a meal or snack 2 to 4 hours before bed. This allows your body to digest food, leading to better sleep and reducing chances of indigestion, discomfort, and heartburn. Eating late at night can hurt your sleep, metabolism, energy, and appetite, making it harder to wake up and stick to a healthy morning routine.

We’re Off to a great start!

Before you Leave the Bedroom

Now that we’re cozy and ready for a great night’s sleep, let’s talk about some easy morning routines to try before you rush out of the bedroom.

5. Absorb Goodness:

I read the Bible for 10-15 minutes each morning before getting out of bed. I find that this fills my mind and soul with strength, focus, and motivation for the day. You can try reading a motivational book or listening to an inspiring podcast for a similar effect. Or read the Bible.

6. Move Your Body:

Exercising in the morning can really boost your energy by increasing blood flow and oxygen to your muscles and brain. This energy helps you feel awake and ready to face the day. You can easily do a refreshing 10-minute stretch in your cozy bedroom, or even try fun workouts designed for your bed.

7. Make Your Bed:

Making your bed is an easy habit that may influence your day. How we organize our spaces can be a reflection on our inner feelings. Starting your day with a made bed helps tidy your room and clear your mind. Plus, it lessens the urge to crawl back in for a nap.

We’re going to have a great day!

Let’s Start Our Day

After my refreshing shower and brushing my teeth, my morning rituals shape my day. These intentional habits help me feel calm and focused for the adventures ahead.

8. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast
A high-protein, balanced breakfast sets a positive tone for the day. It provides essential nutrients, keeps blood sugar steady, boosts focus, and maintains energy levels, leading to better health and productivity. On days I’m not fasting, it’s crucial for my productivity.

9. Write a To-Do List

Mornings often bring a flood of tasks for the day. Simplify your thoughts with a to-do list. A to-do list shows what needs to be done, prioritized by importance. By tackling one task at a time, taking breaks, you’ll feel more productive throughout the day.

10. Start with the Hard Part:

Some tasks are better done in the bright morning, while others do well in the warm afternoon. Many people feel most focused and sharp in the morning until noon. It’s often said that tasks needing a lot of mental focus get the best results early in the day. In contrast, physical or simpler tasks shine in the relaxed afternoon vibe.

Personal Experience and Benefits

I’ve found that having a solid morning routine and sticking to it consistently helps improve my day and my life overall in ways I never imagined. I genuinely wish I would have adopted this type of positive mindset and these habits much earlier in my life, but hey, it’s never too late to start something new and beneficial! Additionally, I’ve also started incorporating oil pulling and skin icing into my morning routine. I look forward to sharing those experiences and insights with you in a later blog post, so stay tuned for all the quirky details!

God Bless


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