Minimalism as a Mindset

Minimalism is all about owning only what adds value and meaning to your life (as well as the lives of the people you care about) and removing the rest.

I honestly thought minimalism was a Home Decor Style. Right? Thank goodness it wasn’t just me?

I mean, I knew it was also about removing clutter and getting rid of stuff. ( duh) But all that meant to me was a Super Spring Cleaning!!!!! ( this is what God had to work with y’all).

It was a few weeks after deliverance, and I suddenly felt crowded. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and resentful of many of my possessions.


Um God, what does my stuff have to do with this and why don’t I want it anymore?

God had already removed the desire for alcohol, meat and foul music. ( all things I previously enjoyed). I understood why those desires would be removed, ( still don’t understand the meat) and was actually grateful.

But selling my designer handbags, donating brand new clothes and expensive shoes to Goodwill every other week, tossing little nick nats in the trash without a second thought and scaling down on my Bedroom pillows.

Why Lord Why? ( well partly because most of it is why I went broke)

You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God

Then I realized it wasn't about the things at all; it was about me. It was about why I had everything. Why did I have two or three of the same item in different colors, why did I re-decorate my home twice a year, why did I never seem to have enough when in reality I had too much? More than I could afford and far more than I needed.

It was all related to unresolved Trauma, overcompensation for things I didn't have, and voids I was trying to fill. It had something to do with OCD, Anxiety, and materialism.

When God healed me, saved me, and forgave me, I was reborn and made new. There was no more trauma, ocd, or anxiety, no fear of not having something “just in case”.

It’s like someone had told me a lies my entire Life and one day God came and told me the truth.

You are enough and all you have is all you need
— Holy Spirit

I'd like to tell you more about my life and how living simpler has improved the quality of my life and the lives of those around me, so I did.

Turn in to the Eat, Pray and Meditate Podcast “Simplicity”

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25


3 Breathing Techniques that can Potentially Transform your Daily Life.